The District of Columbia has enacted child support guidelines meant to provide consistency when judges or parents are calculating support. D.C. provides online tools to help (more on that below). But before you jump in, it will help to understand how the guidelines work, what goes into the calculation, and exceptions to the standard formula.
When parents are divorced, legally separated, or were never married to each other, the parent who has the kids most of the time (the "custodial" parent) typically receives child support payments from the noncustodial parent—regardless of gender.
But that doesn't change the fact that both parents are legally required to support their children. Nor does it mean custodial parents aren't paying their fair share. The guidelines assume those parents are meeting their obligation by covering the day-to-day expenses of sheltering and caring for the children.
Here's how it works: D.C. provides a schedule showing the basic child support obligation, depending on the parents' combined incomes and how many children they have. Each parent's share of that obligation is primarily based on their proportionate share of their combined incomes. For example, if the noncustodial parent's income is 60% of their combined incomes, and the total child support obligation is $2,000 per month, that parent's share of the basic support obligation is $1,200 (or 60% of $2,000).
Also, not all cases are typical. When parents have shared physical custody, the parent who has the children more than half the time might conceivably have to make support payments if the other parent earns considerably less (more on that below).
To calculate child support, you'll need to know each parent's annual gross income and adjusted gross income.
Gross income includes income from almost any source, such as as wages, tips, commissions, pensions, alimony payments being received, unemployment benefits, veterans' benefits, workers' compensation or disability benefits, lottery and gambling winnings, and self-employment or business income (after deducting reasonable and necessary business expenses). But gross income doesn't include benefits received from means-tested public assistance programs, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), SSI, or food stamps.
Each parent's adjusted gross income is their gross income minus:
You can find a complete list of what does and doesn't qualify as income in D.C. Code § 16-916.01(d) (2024).
Judges in D.C. may impute (assign) income to parents who are voluntarily unemployed or underemployed as part of a deliberate effort to lower their income, maximize the other parent's child support obligation, or shirk their own obligation. Judges won't impute income to parents who are physically or mentally unable to work or are receiving means-tested public assistance. (D.C. Code § 16-916.01(d)(10) (2024).)
When imputing income, the judge will usually look at circumstances such as the parent's work history, education and training, available jobs in the area, and whether the parent has been diligently looking for work.
D.C.'s guidelines allow adjustments to subtract the following expenses from the basic support obligation:
There's an additional adjustment when a child is receiving SSDI derivative benefits.
D.C.'s guidelines also include a "Self-Support Reserve" to ensure that low-income parents will be left with enough money after paying child support to sustain at least a minimum standard of living. The support worksheets will show the current amount of the reserve.
(D.C. Code § 16-916.01 (2024).)
The law in D.C. recognizes that parents have higher expenses when their children live with each parent a significant amount of time. That's why the guidelines include a separate calculation when the parents have shared physical custody. After the overall support obligation is multiplied by 1.5, a mathematical formula will factor in the percentage of time the kids live with each parent, as well as the parents' relative incomes. The result of that calculation will determine which parent pays support, as well as how much the payments will be.
When each parent has a child for at least 35% of the time, the guidelines presume that they have shared custody. However, a parent may overcome that presumption by proving that this special calculation would be unjust or inappropriate, given the parents' particular custody arrangements.
(D.C. Code § 16-916.01(q) (2024).)
The law in D.C. presumes that the amount of child support calculated under the guidelines is the correct amount in each case—unless that amount would be unjust or inappropriate under the particular circumstances. When judges are deciding whether that exception applies, they may consider whether:
(D.C. Code § 16-916.01(p) (2024).)
Parents have the option of agreeing on a child support amount—and most parents do reach an agreement, at least at some point in the process.
However, the parents will need to submit their agreement to the court for the judge's review. If they've agreed to an amount of support that's different than the amount under the guideline calculation, the judge will have to decide if their agreement is fair. (D.C. Code § 16-916.01(o) (2024).)
Unlike in most states, a parent's duty to support a child in D.C. continues until the child turns 21, unless child has been legally emancipated sooner than that. (D.C. Dom. Rel. Rules, rule 2; D.C. Code § 46-101 (2024).)
Parents may agree to extend child support beyond age 21 such as when they want to support a child who's attending college. If that's the case, it's best to have the agreement in writing, signed by both parents, and approved by the court. This should help avoid any problems down the road.
When parents have filed for divorce (or legal separation), child support is handled as part of that process. You can request child support in your initial paperwork.
If you aren't married to your child's other parent, you can get help establishing child support (and paternity, if necessary) by opening a case with the D.C. Child Support Services Division (CSSD).
The CSSD collects child support payments in D.C. If the parent who owes support is employed, the agency will issue an order requiring the employer to withhold (deduct) the support payments from the parent's paycheck and forward it to CSSD. The agency will then send the money to the recipient parent.
When there isn't an income withholding order, the CSSD allows a few different payment methods, including online payments by credit or debit card.
Parents who are having trouble collecting child support can also get help from the CSSD. The agency has a number of enforcement tools, including:
If you're the noncustodial parent, you should know that you're not allowed to stop paying child support just because the custodial parent is withholding visitation.
You may request a change in your existing child support order, but the requirements and procedures will depend on the circumstances.
(D.C. Code § 16-916.01(r) (2024).)
In and of itself, either parent's remarriage won't affect the amount of child support. A new spouse's income isn't included in a parent's income when calculating support.
However, when remarriage comes with kids, that could affect the amount of support for children from the parent's previous marriage, Here's how:
(D.C. Code § 16-916.01(d), (p) (2024).)
D.C. offers an online child support calculator that you can use to get an estimate of the support amount you'll owe or receive. But remember that the judge may award a different amount, based on the rules and circumstances discussed above. You can find the current child support schedule, as well as worksheets for the calculations, in the Appendices to the guidelines.
Despite all of the help and resources available through the CSSD, there are situations when you may need to speak with a family law attorney. This is especially true in complicated support situations, such as when each parent will have physical custody of at least one of the couple's children (known as split custody), or when you and your co-parent don't agree about a request to modify support or deviate from the guidelines.