Family Law Rules in Iowa
Family Law Rules in Iowa
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Iowa
Some divorcing spouses have trouble adjusting to a one-income household, but the court can help with that. Judges in Iowa can order spousal support, but must follow strict guidelines set by law.
If you're beginning a divorce and you're already dreading the expense and the emotional turmoil of the process, take heart—you might be able to avoid most or all of it if you're a candidate for what’s known as an “uncontested divorce.”
The Basics of Annulment in Iowa
This article provides an overview of annulment in Iowa, including what an annulment is, who qualifies, and the legal effects of an annulment.
While only 1% of marrying couples had prenuptial agreements in 2002, 33% of people now say they would consider signing a prenuptial agreement before marriage. No longer just a tool for the very wealthy, prenuptial agreements are helping many average-income couples protect their assets and plan for their
Iowa Divorce: Dividing Property
Find out how marital property (and debt) is divided in an Iowa divorce case.
How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody in Iowa
Domestic violence is the single greatest cause of women’s injuries in Iowa. The Supreme Court of Iowa has stated that because domestic abuse reflects partners’ ability to listen to one another and respect one another’s feelings and opinions, domestic violence is a major factor when determining child custody.
How Do I File for Divorce in Iowa
Getting divorced in Iowa can be complicated. Not knowing what you’re getting into can be a mistake you’ll regret for years to come.
Find out how child support is calculated in Iowa, and how those payments can be modified.
Child Support Enforcement in Iowa
One of the saddest outcomes of the end of a relationship is that many parents are unable to move past their hard feelings and act in the best interest of their kids. Legions of emotionally wounded children can attest to this. The typical battleground? Child support. Two people who would be happier living