Montana Family Law Rules
Montana Family Law Rules
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Montana
Learn more about the types of maintenance available in Montana and how courts decide the final award.
Uncontested Divorce in Montana
Learn how to save money and time by getting an uncontested divorce in Montana.
The Basics of Annulment in Montana
Overview Annulment is a civil court process that declares a marriage never existed. You can only get an annulment in very limited situations. Many people think an annulment is an easier or quicker alternative to getting a divorce but this is simply not true. Because the situations in which an annulment
Montana Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Montana, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? Who will be responsible for the debts you and your spouse incurred during the marriage, or even before you got married?
Getting divorced in Montana can be disorienting (if you’re not a lawyer). Going in without some basic information can only make it worse.
How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody in Montana
Domestic violence leaves a trail of emotionally and physically broken people in its wake. It also has a profound impact on child custody matters. This article will explain what domestic violence is and how it affects child custody. If you have any questions after you read this article, consult with a
How Do I File for Divorce in Montana?
Learn about how having an agreement with your spouse—or not having one—can affect how you file for divorce in Montana.