Family Law Rules in North Dakota
Family Law Rules in North Dakota
Uncontested Divorce in North Dakota
Learn how to save money and time by getting an uncontested divorce in North Dakota. And if you don't meet the requirements for uncontested divorce, find out if you qualify for North Dakota's summary divorce process.
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in North Dakota
Find out how judges decide whether spousal support is appropriate in North Dakota divorce cases.
North Dakota Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in North Dakota, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? And who will be responsible for your marital debts--or those either of you had before marriage?
Learn the basics of a divorce, or dissolution of marriage, in North Dakota.
How Do I File for Divorce in North Dakota?
Which type of divorce should you file in North Dakota—a contested divorce, an uncontested divorce, or a summary divorce?
Child Support Laws in North Dakota
If you’re the parent of a minor child in North Dakota, it’s not a question of whether you’re responsible for child support—it’s simply a matter of how much you’ll pay.