Children and Divorce
Children and Divorce
A divorce with children often presents many challenges, but your kids deserve the best out of both of their parents, whether or not you can stand one another. It's important to remember that parents can and should succeed at coparenting.
Positive Parenting Through Divorce
When you're getting divorced, it's important to take steps to ensure stability in your children's lives. You'll need to set aside your personal feelings and, when possible, work with your soon-to-be ex to focus on your children's best interests.
The Best Interests of the Child: Factors Judges Consider in Deciding Custody
Learn what judges look for when they're deciding which parenting arrangements would be in the children's best interests.
Differences Between Legal and Physical Child Custody
What's the difference between legal and physical custody, and what do they look like?
Child Custody and Domestic Violence
Victims of domestic violence and their children have access to protection by law. Find out how to protect yourself and your children.
What To Do If a Child Refuses Visitation
Learn about your responsibilities and possible consequences when your child won't see the other parent or cooperate with your custody order—including when the child's age makes a difference.
Child Support: How Judges Decide the Amount
If you want to know how much child support you'll pay (or receive), state guidelines are the starting point.
Enforcing Child Support Orders: Dealing With a Deadbeat Parent
Find out what happens when child support isn't paid, and how a parent can enforce a child support order.
How to Modify Child Support Payments
Whether you're paying child support or receiving payments, you might think the current amount should change. Learn when and why a judge will modify child support.