Family Law Rules in Oregon
Family Law Rules in Oregon
Divorce isn’t always complicated and expensive. Find out if you qualify for an uncontested divorce in Oregon.
The Basics of Annulment in Oregon
Overview of Annulment Like a traditional divorce, an annulment ends a marriage. However, an annulment is a legal proceeding that goes further by declaring a marriage invalid or void through a court order. In some cases, it’s as if the marriage never happened.
How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody in Oregon
Domestic violence can leave lasting scars, especially for children. Judges take this into account when deciding which parent should have custody of the children. In Oregon, as in other states, judges will consider a parent’s history of domestic violence when making decisions about custody and visitation
How Do I File for Divorce in Oregon?
Even though you don’t have to prove your spouse’s fault to get a divorce in Oregon, you’ll still need to follow the state’s and court’s procedures when you file for divorce.
Find out how child support is calculated in Oregon, and how those payments can be modified.