Child Support Basics
Child Support Basics
Child Support: How Judges Decide the Amount
If you want to know how much child support you'll pay (or receive), state guidelines are the starting point.
Filing for Child Support: How to Apply and How Much You Can Get
Both parents are responsible for financially supporting their child, no matter their relationship status. Find out how to apply for a child support order to collect from your child’s other parent.
What Child Support Can and Cannot Be Used For
Custodial parents have a lot of discretion when it comes to spending child support, but can the paying parent ever challenge how the custodial parent is using the money?
State Laws on When Child Support Ends
The duty to pay child support generally ends when a child reaches the age of majority or is emancipated. But you could be required to pay support for an adult child in some circumstances, depending on the law in your state.
How to Respond To a Child Support Petition
Learn what you need to do when you receive a petition or other formal request for child support, and what can happen if you don't respond.
How to Impute Income for Child Support
Parents have both a moral and legal responsibility to provide for their children, some divorced parents view child support as a burden to be avoided. In special circumstances, a judge may impute income to create a fair and just award of child support.
How to Modify Child Support Payments
Whether you're paying child support or receiving payments, you might think the current amount should change. Learn when and why a judge will modify child support.
How to Respond To a Child Support Petition
Learn what you need to do when you receive a petition or other formal request for child support, and what can happen if you don't respond.
Enforcing Child Support Orders: Dealing With a Deadbeat Parent
Find out what happens when child support isn't paid, and how a parent can enforce a child support order.
Securing Child Support Obligations Through Life Insurance
Securing a child support obligation with a life insurance policy is an excellent way to make sure that child support payments will continue in the event of the paying parent's death.
Remarriage and Child Support in California
Learn whether you can change the amount of child support you’re paying or receiving in California after you or your ex has remarried.