New Hampshire Family Law Rules
New Hampshire Family Law Rules
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in New Hampshire
If you're going through a divorce and concerned about how you'll make ends meet on one income, this article will explain the guidelines judges follow when deciding whether to award alimony in New Hampshire.
Uncontested Divorce in New Hampshire
If you and your spouse agree on most of the issues in your New Hampshire divorce, you might be able to take advantage of a faster and less expensive divorce method.
The Basics of Annulment in New Hampshire
What is an annulment and why would someone want one? Like a divorce, an annulment is a court procedure that dissolves, or ends, a marriage. An annulment is different from a divorce in that an annulment treats the marriage like it never happened. Some people still think divorce carries a stigma, so they would rather have their marriage annulled than get a divorce.
New Hampshire Divorce: Dividing Property
If you’re getting divorced in New Hampshire, you should learn about what property you get to keep and what you’ll have to split with your spouse.
How Do I File for Divorce in New Hampshire?
Getting divorced in New Hampshire can be complicated. Not knowing what you’re getting into can be a mistake you’ll regret for years to come.