Alternatives to Divorce
Alternatives to Divorce
Wyoming Divorce: Dividing Property
In Wyoming, a court will divide marital property during a divorce based on a system called equitable distribution.
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Wyoming
In Wyoming, either spouse can request alimony as soon as the divorce process begins. However, requesting alimony doesn't guarantee an award and judges have broad discretion when deciding if it's appropriate in your case.
Uncontested Divorce in Wyoming
Making sense of the uncontested divorce process in Wyoming.
How Do I File for Divorce in Wyoming?
Getting divorced in Wyoming can be complicated. Not knowing what you’re getting into can be a mistake you’ll regret for years to come.
Child Support Enforcement in Wyoming
Even when a relationship ends in a breakup or divorce, most couples realize that paying their children’s expenses is the right thing to do. Unfortunately, however, a sizeable number of parents fail or refuse to pay child support. This article will explain how child support is enforced in the State