Divorce Basics
Divorce Basics
Get answers to common questions about divorce in California.
Uncontested Divorce in California
Learn about the uncontested divorce process in California.
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in California
Learn about the kinds of spousal support available in California, how judges decide the amount of alimony and how long it will last, and whether you can change the award later.
California Spousal Support & the Mythical 10-Year Rule
Some people think spousal support never ends in California whenever a couple was married at least 10 years. Not true. But long marriages are treated differently under the state's alimony laws.
Adultery in California: Does Cheating Affect Alimony?
We've all heard of marriages ending because one spouse was unfaithful. But does your spouse's misconduct matter when it comes to alimony and other issues in a California divorce?
Remarriage and Alimony in California
If you're receiving spousal support (alimony) after a divorce in California and you're hoping to remarry or live with a new partner, it's important to understand how your new relationship may impact your future payments.
Alternatives to Divorce
Alternatives to Divorce
The Basics of Annulment in California
Wondering if you can get an annulment? Learn about the grounds for an annulment and how to get one in California.
Getting Divorced: The Divorce Process
Getting Divorced: The Divorce Process
How Do I File for Divorce in California?
Wondering where to begin and how to file a divorce? Learn about the necessary forms and instructions to file for a divorce in California.
Legal Separation and Separation Agreements in California
In California, couples looking to end a marriage aren't limited to a traditional divorce. That said, a legal separation is not the same as using a separation agreement. Continue reading to learn the differences between divorce, legal separation, and separation agreements.
Summary Dissolution in California
Summary dissolution offers a quicker, simpler way to divorce in California.
Child Support
Child Support
Calculating Child Support Under California Guidelines
Learn how child support works in California, including how support is calculated, when the amount can be different than the standard calculation, and how to modify the current amount of support you’re paying or receiving.
Imputing Income for Child Support in California
Learn when California judges may use a parent’s earning capacity (rather than actual income) when establishing or modifying child support—and how they decide what that parent could be earning.
Child Support Enforcement in California
Learn how to get help collecting child support in California, what agencies and courts can do to enforce child support, and what can happen to deadbeat parents.
Can You Get Retroactive Child Support in California?
Learn when you can get a retroactive child support order in California—including a retroactive modification of existing child support—and how far back retroactive support orders can go.
If you’re getting divorced in California, child custody and visitation could be your most contentious issue. If you don’t familiarize yourself upfront with what’s involved, you might regret it.
How Domestic Violence Affects Child Custody in California
Child custody disputes can be difficult enough in normal circumstances, but they’re especially fraught when domestic violence or child abuse is part of the picture. Learn how California judges handle these cases.
Child Custody and Relocation Laws in California
If you have custody of your kids in California, you can relocate if you want to, right? Well, that depends.