Additional Articles on the Dissolution of Marriage
Additional Articles on the Dissolution of Marriage
Get answers to common questions about uncontested divorce, including how much it will cost, how long it will take, and whether you're a good candidate for this simple and quick way of getting divorced..
What Is a Dissolution of Marriage?
A dissolution of marriage is almost always the same thing as divorce. Learn about the rare exceptions.
What Is a Divorce Settlement Agreement?
A divorce settlement agreement is a written document that goes by many names, depending on where you live. It can be referred to as any of the following:
In an effort to reject notions of fault in divorce proceedings, all states have now adopted some form of a “no-fault” divorce, which allows couples to end their marriage without airing their dirty laundry in court. The following article provides an overview of the differences between a fault and no-fault divorce.
Basic Divorce Residency Requirements in Your State
A complete guide to the residency requirements for divorce in all 50 states and D.C.
Divorces and Finances: Does the Separation Date Affect Spouses' Property Rights?
In every divorce, there's a date after which property one spouse acquires is no longer considered marital property. Learn how courts decide in a divorce when property becomes a spouse's separate property.
If you want to file a “pro se” divorce—in other words, represent yourself—you can. But is it a good idea to get divorced without a lawyer?
Learn about marital settlement agreements, what they can resolve and how they're enforced.
Divorce Resources
Divorce Resources
Spending thousands of dollars on your divorce isn’t required. Here are some options for getting divorced on a budget.
Same-Sex Divorce: Everything You Need to Know
Married gay couples have the same right to get divorced as straight couples. But they might face particular complications, including issues around parental and property rights..
The Complete Divorce Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms
Many couples have built their families around the concept of one spouse staying home while the other becomes the family's primary income resource. So what happens when divorce comes crashing into the picture? Will a stay-at-home parent be able to find employment after being away from the job market? What happens if you can't afford to pay your bills during and after the divorce?
If you’re in a marriage without physical intimacy, it can help to learn the possible causes, what you can do to try to save your relationship, and—if those efforts don’t work—whether the lack of sex can be grounds for divorce.
6 Strategies for Surviving a High-Conflict Divorce
Signs of a high-conflict divorce include bullying, blaming, and demanding behavior from one or both spouses. Get advice from a divorce coach on how to de-escalate arguments and minimize the fallout.
More Helpful Articles on Divorce
More Helpful Articles on Divorce
A real-world guide to typical divorce costs, the factors that make some divorces more expensive than others, and what you can do to lower the cost of your own divorce.
The Essential Divorce Checklist: 10 Steps to Prepare for Your Divorce
Without question, going through a divorce can be an emotional and challenging experience. Whether you're filing for divorce or your spouse surprised you with the request, a divorce checklist can help you get through this difficult time.
Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Divorce Attorney
When you're going through a divorce and looking for an attorney, remember that you don't have to hire the first attorney you meet. Choosing the right lawyer to guide you through your divorce is one of the most important divorce-related decisions you'll make.
Do-It-Yourself Divorce: Top Ten Tips
Some tips for representing yourself in your divorce.
Ten Things To Do If Divorce Is Imminent
If you’re convinced that your marriage is irretrievably broken and you’re headed for divorce, here are ten steps to take.
5 Divorce Predictors and How to Overcome Them
No marriage is doomed to fail. But there are proven factors that can raise the chance that you'll divorce. Find out what they are and how to beat the odds.
5 Benefits of Working With a Divorce Coach
The emotional and practical upheaval of ending a marriage can be tricky to navigate alone. A divorce coach guides you through the divorce process in ways that can help you make the best decisions for you and your family.
It's well-documented that women initiate divorce more than men. But why are husbands sometimes blindsided by a wife's sudden desire to end a marriage?
Grieving the loss of a spouse after a divorce is normal. In fact, divorce is sometimes called a "social death." Learn about the 5 stages of divorce grief and how to know when to get help to work through them.
Top Tips for Surviving Your Divorce With a Narcissist
How to deal with this difficult personality type during a divorce.
Divorce Decrees
Divorce Decrees
Divorce Decree vs. Divorce Certificate: What's the Difference?
Divorce decrees are not the same as divorce certificates. Find out when you might need a copy of your divorce decree instead of your divorce certificate.
How to Get a Copy of a Divorce Decree
Learn more about the steps you can take to obtain a copy of your divorce decree.
Grounds for Divorce in Virginia
If you’re filing for divorce in Virginia, you must have a legitimate reason. There are options available to you—but you need to be sure you pick the right one.
Grounds for Divorce in Mississippi
If you’re filing for divorce in Mississippi, you must have a legitimate reason. There are options available to you—but you need to be sure you pick the right one.
Grounds for Divorce in Pennsylvania
If you’re filing for divorce in Pennsylvania, you must have a legitimate reason. There are options available to you—but you need to be sure you pick the right one.