Family Law Rules in South Dakota
Family Law Rules in South Dakota
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in South Dakota
South Dakota has specific laws for judges to follow when deciding if alimony is appropriate and if it is, the type, amount, and duration available to a needy spouse. Before you file for divorce, you should understand the process.
Uncontested Divorce in South Dakota
Divorce isn't always complicated and expensive. Find out if you qualify for an uncontested divorce in South Dakota.
The Basics of Annulment in South Dakota
In South Dakota, some marriages can be terminated by annulment rathe
South Dakota Divorce: Dividing Property
In South Dakota, a court will divide marital property during a divorce based on a system called equitable distribution. This means that the property will be split between spouses in a way that is equitable based on the whole picture of how they lived during marriage and what their individual needs will be after divorce.
How Do I File for Divorce in South Dakota?
Learn how to file a no-fault or fault-based divorce in South Dakota.
If you’re the parent of a minor child in South Dakota, it’s not a question of whether you’re responsible for child support—it’s simply a matter of how much you’ll pay.