If you've made the difficult decision to separate or file for divorce in Virginia, you may be surprised to learn the requirements that you'll need to meet before the court can approve your request.
Virginia Separation Agreements
Find out how to work out a separation agreement between you and your spouse.
Virginia Divorce: Dividing Property
During the divorce process, couples must decide how to split marital property and marital debt. If divorcing spouses can't agree, the court will divide it using Virginia's equitable distribution standards.
Virginia Marital Property FAQ's
Dividing marital property and debts in a divorce an be complicated. Spouses can work together to create a settlement agreement, but when negotiation isn't possible, a court will have to decide.
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Virginia
Find out how alimony (spousal support) is awarded and calculated in Virginia.
Uncontested Divorce in Virginia
Getting divorced in Virginia can be a relatively pain free process—if you qualify for an uncontested divorce.
The Basics of Annulment in Virginia
This article explains the basics of an annulment in Virginia, including how an annulment differs from divorce and how to get an annulment in Virginia. If you have specific questions about annulment after reading this article, or are considering filing for annulment, you should speak with an experienced
Get answers to some of the most common questions about getting a divorce in Virginia.
How Do I File for Divorce in Virginia?
Learn about the forms and steps you need to file for divorce in Virginia—and how to get help with the process.