Remarriage and Alimony
Remarriage and Alimony
Learn how remarriage and cohabitation can affect alimony arrangements in your state.
Alimony Basics
Alimony Basics
Learn about the different kinds of spousal support that judges may award in divorces, including how long alimony lasts and other conditions.
How Judges Decide Alimony Amounts
Find out what judges consider when deciding how much support one spouse has to pay to the other during or after divorce.
Separate Maintenance and Legal Separation
If you decide to separate from your spouse rather than get a divorce, you might be able to get a court to order your spouse to pay you support.
Alimony can be granted even if a couple were never married? That's "palimony".
Managing Your Alimony
Managing Your Alimony
Changing the Amount of Spousal Support
When an alimony (spousal support) order is already in place, can it be changed? It depends.
Learn what you can do to enforce spousal support if you're having trouble collecting what your ex owes you—and the potential consequences for not obeying alimony orders.
How to Reduce Alimony Payments
If you owe alimony to an ex but can't afford to pay it, you shouldn't just stop making the court-ordered payments. Learn what you need to do to reduce your spousal support obligation.
Negotiating Alimony With Your Spouse
You can avoid court if you negotiate alimony with your spouse. The court will approve your agreement if you make one.
How Remarriage Can Affect Alimony
An overview of how remarriage or cohabitation will affect ongoing alimony obligations.
Alimony and Taxes
Alimony and Taxes
The Seven Rules of Alimony and Taxes
Until recently, the IRS allowed paying spouses to deduct alimony payments and required recipients to report it as income. However, the rules have changed for any divorce finalized on or after January 1, 2019.
Is Alimony Tax Deductible for the Paying Spouse?
Whether you divorced ten years ago or you're currently contemplating a divorce, if alimony is a possibility, you'll need to understand the rules surrounding spousal support and taxes.
Resources Related to Alimony and Spousal Support
Resources Related to Alimony and Spousal Support
Nolo's Essential Guide to Divorce, by Emily Doskow
Everything you need to know about divorce, including a chapter on alimony.
Divorce Without Court: A Guide to Mediation and Collaborative Divorce, by Katherine E. Stoner
Learn how to negotiate your divorce without going to court--including spousal support issues.
Divorce After 50: Your Guide to the Unique Legal and Financial Challenges
If you're over 50 and getting divorced, learn about the special issues.
Adultery in California: Does Cheating Affect Alimony?
We've all heard of marriages ending because one spouse was unfaithful. But does your spouse's misconduct matter when it comes to alimony and other issues in a California divorce?
Adultery in Pennsylvania: Does Cheating Affect Alimony?
If you’re facing the end of your marriage because you or your spouse had an extramarital affair, you might be wondering how the infidelity might affect your divorce. Learn how Pennsylvania divorce law deals with adultery.
Adultery in Texas: Does Cheating Affect Alimony?
If you’re facing the end of your marriage because you or your spouse had an extramarital affair, you might be wondering how the infidelity might affect your divorce. Learn how Texas divorce law deals with adultery.