Maryland Family Law Rules
Maryland Family Law Rules
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Maryland
If you're wondering whether you will need to pay or ask for alimony in your divorce, you should review and understand the guidelines for spousal support in Maryland.
Use and Possession of the Family Home in a Maryland Divorce
For many divorcing couples, deciding what to do with the family home is a source of stress and conflict. In most marriages, real estate is the most significant asset, which can cause a variety of complications.
Uncontested Divorce in Maryland
Learn the difference between a contested and uncontested divorce, how to get a "mutual consent" divorce in Maryland, how else you can try to obtain an uncontested divorce if you don’t meet the requirements for mutual consent divorce.
The Basics of Annulment in Maryland
If you want to know if your marriage is eligible for an annulment in the state of Maryland, this article explains what an annulment is, when a marriage can be annulled, and the effects of an annulment. You’ll want to check with the circuit court of the county where you or your spouse live to see if
Separation vs. Divorce in Maryland
There are several, important differences between a separation and divorce in Maryland. Continue reading to learn more.
Maryland Child Custody and Visitation
If you’re getting divorced in Maryland, child custody and visitation could be your most contentious issue. If you don’t familiarize yourself upfront with what’s involved, you might regret it.
Maryland Marital Property FAQs
Going through a divorce is complicated, but dividing your property doesn't have to be overwhelming. If you and your spouse can agree on how to divide your marital estate, the court will approve your settlement. However, if you can't work with your spouse on this issue, a judge will decide for you.