Susan Bishop

Attorney · Villanova University School of Law

Susan Huntington Bishop is a member of the California State Bar with more than 15 years experience practicing law and mediation in diverse areas including insurance defense, business, special education, and family law. She has a BA in English Literature from Hamilton College, an MA in Psychology from Northcentral University, and a JD from Villanova University School of Law, where she was a member of the Villanova Law Review.

A parent of two teenagers, Susan has been dedicated to improving the lives of children. She has served as a volunteer lawyer and mediator for the Special Education Advocacy Project of the San Diego Volunteer Lawyers Program and the Children at Risk Committee of the San Diego County Bar Association. As a strong supporter of arts in education, she spent 10 years as a volunteer teacher for Art Corps San Diego, bringing art fundamentals to elementary school classrooms.

Susan writes on various topics in law and psychology, with a special focus on family law.

Articles By Susan Bishop

Interference With Child Visitation Rights
There are legal consequences of interfering with the visitation rights of the other parent. Here's how it works in New Jersey.
Iowa Divorce: Dividing Property
Find out how marital property (and debt) is divided in an Iowa divorce case.
Hawaii Divorce: Dividing Property
One of the challenges divorcing couples must face is dividing their marital property and assigning marital debts. Hawaii law requires a division of property in divorce to be equitable, meaning that it must be fair but not necessarily equal.
Idaho Divorce: Dividing Property
Find out how marital property (and debt) is divided in an Idaho divorce case.
Colorado Divorce: Dividing Property
Laws governing how marital property is divided at divorce vary from state to state. Colorado law requires a division that is equitable, meaning that it is fair--it doesn't necessarily have to be exactly equal. Some couples are able to agree on how to divide everything on their own, while others seek the help of attorneys or a mediator to negotiate a settlement.
Washington D.C. Divorce: Dividing Property
Find out how marital property (and debt) is divided in a D.C. divorce case.
Delaware Divorce: Dividing Property
Delaware law requires a division of marital property that is equitable.
Alaska Divorce: Dividing Property
Are you figuring out how to divide your marital property and debts in a divorce? Here's what you should consider.
Alabama Divorce: Dividing Property
Find out how marital property (and debt) is divided in a Alabama divorce case.
Arkansas Divorce: Dividing Property
Are you figuring out how to divide your marital property and debts in a divorce? Here's what you should consider.