Teresa Wall-Cyb

J.D. · Golden Gate University School of Law

Teresa Wall-Cyb has over seven years of experience researching and writing about legal questions. As a member of the California Bar, she has worked for judges in both federal and California state courts as a research attorney and has represented clients seeking domestic violence restraining orders.

Teresa received the Wiley W. Manuel Pro Bono Services Certificate for contributing over 50 hours in free legal services. She also writes judicial profiles and contributes to special reports for The Recorder, a leading publication on the business of California law.

Articles By Teresa Wall-Cyb

Summary Dissolution in California
Summary dissolution offers a quicker, simpler way to divorce in California.
Pennsylvania Child Custody Laws & Grandparents' Visitation Rights
Here's how child custody cases work in Pennsylvania. From the process to considerations of relocation & grandparents visitation.
Understanding and Calculating Alimony in Virginia
Find out how alimony (spousal support) is awarded and calculated in Virginia.
Oregon Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Oregon, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? And who will be responsible for your marital debts?
New Mexico Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in New Mexico, do you know what property you get to keep and what you will need to split with your spouse?
Montana Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Montana, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? Who will be responsible for the debts you and your spouse incurred during the marriage, or even before you got married?
Nebraska Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Nebraska, what property do you get to keep and what do you have to split with your spouse? And who will be responsible for the marital debt?
North Dakota Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in North Dakota, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? And who will be responsible for your marital debts--or those either of you had before marriage?
Pennsylvania Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Pennsylvania, do you know what property you get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse? What about who's responsible for your marital debt?
Rhode Island Divorce: Dividing Property
If you are getting divorced in Rhode Island, you need to know what property you should get to keep and what you have to split with your spouse. You may also be wondering who will be responsible for the debts. Here are the basics of property division at divorce.