Understanding Divorce Mediation
Understanding Divorce Mediation
The Stages of Divorce Mediation
Here’s what to expect when you decide to mediate your divorce.
How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost?
A guide to typical costs for different types of divorce mediation, with information on the factors that affect costs and the risks of some cost-saving measures.
Mediation vs. Collaboration: Factors to Consider in Choosing the Right Approach for You
How to decide whether mediation or collaborative divorce is right for you.
How to Propose Mediation or Collaborative Divorce to Your Spouse
Want to try mediation or collaborative divorce, but not sure your spouse will go for it? Here's how to ask for the best chance of getting the answer you want.
Divorce Mediation Checklist: How to Prepare for Your First Session
When you're fully prepared, mediation can help you reduce costs and reach agreements in a divorce.
Online divorce mediation can be a great alternative to battling it out in court. Take a look at the pros and cons of online divorce mediation to find out if it's right for you.
Pros and Cons of Divorce Mediation
If you're contemplating divorce, mediation might be a good way to reduce stress and save money.
Divorce Mediation vs. Litigation: Which Is Right for You?
Heading to court isn't the only way to resolve the issues in your divorce. The question is: Could mediation be right for you?
Find a Divorce Mediator
Find a Divorce Mediator
How to Find a Good Divorce Mediator
Divorce mediation is a smart move—unless you get the wrong mediator.
Talk to a Local Divorce Mediation Lawyer
DivorceNet can help connect you with local attorneys offering divorce mediation services.
Divorce Mediation in Your State
Divorce Mediation in Your State
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Arizona
Learn how mediation can help lower costs and conflict in your divorce—and when an Arizona judge may require you to mediate disputes with your spouse or ex.
The Essential Guide to Divorce Mediation in California
Learn how the divorce mediation process in California works, how much it costs, and the difference between private and court-ordered mediation.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Colorado
Learn how mediation can help lower costs and conflict in your divorce—and when a Colorado judge may require you to mediate disputes with your spouse or ex.
Learn how family mediation works in Florida, including when you might be ordered to mediate your divorce, what happens after mediation, and how much it costs.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Georgia
Learn how divorce mediation works in Georgia, including when you might be ordered to mediate with your spouse, how much mediation costs, and what happens after mediation.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Illinois
You may always choose to mediate the disputes in your Illinois divorce, but sometimes it’s mandatory. Learn how divorce mediation works in Illinois—including how much it costs and how it can save you time and money.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in New Jersey
Learn how divorce mediation works in New Jersey, including when a judge will require you to mediate with your spouse, how much mediation costs, and what happens after mediation.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in New York
Learn how divorce mediation works in New York, including when you might be referred to mediation, how much mediation costs, and what happens after mediation.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Ohio
Mediation is always available to help Ohio couples work out their divorce disputes, but sometimes it’s mandatory. Learn how divorce mediation works in Ohio—including how much it costs.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Tennessee
If you’re getting divorced in Tennessee, you’d better prepare for an expensive, no-holds-barred battle, right? Not necessarily.
The Essential Guide to Texas Divorce Mediation
Find out how divorce mediation works in Texas—everything from how the process starts to how it ends and how much it costs.
Guide to Divorce Mediation in Virginia
Learn how divorce mediation works in Virginia, including when you might choose—or be required—to mediate disputes with your spouse, how much it can cost, and what happens after mediation.
Resources Related to Divorce Mediation
Resources Related to Divorce Mediation
Part of resolving your divorce without court is making a parenting plan that will work for you, your spouse, and your kids.
Nolo's Essential Guide to Divorce, by Emily Doskow
Everything you need to know about divorce.